Learn how to start a bread factory with key investment tips, equipment costs, and profitability insights. Get expert advice on setting up a successful bakery business.
Understanding GST implications on supply to and from SEZs, including tax treatment, refunds, and compliance. Learn how zero-rated supplies work under GST.
Learn about GST on restaurant services, rates, and rules for food in India. Get insights on GST billing, food taxes, and compliance tips for businesses.
Understand what a CRN (Customer Reference Number) is, its full form, and how to find it. A simple guide to help you locate your CRN for various services.
Discover how the Prayaas Scheme supports small businesses in India with financial aid, skill development, and market access to boost growth and sustainability.
Objectives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aim to provide universal elementary education, improve infrastructure, and reduce dropout rates for all children in India.
Here are the key objectives & features of the Competition Act, 2002, and understand how it promotes fair competition, prevents monopolies, and protects consumer rights.
Explore the objectives and features of India's Smart Cities Mission, focusing on sustainability, technology, and citizen engagement for urban transformation.