Learn how to start a bread factory with key investment tips, equipment costs, and profitability insights. Get expert advice on setting up a successful bakery business.
Understanding GST implications on supply to and from SEZs, including tax treatment, refunds, and compliance. Learn how zero-rated supplies work under GST.
Learn about GST on restaurant services, rates, and rules for food in India. Get insights on GST billing, food taxes, and compliance tips for businesses.
This article explores the impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on India's service exports, providing a comprehensive overview for businesses and global commerce.
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is a crucial part of India's taxation system, with withholders depositing TDS to the administration through online challan settlements.
This article provides a comprehensive roadmap for understanding TCS certificates, their issuers, and timelines, addressing confusion surrounding their issuers and applicable timelines in India's tax system.
The recent changes to Part 43B of the Income Tax Act of 1961 have sparked debates about their impact on citizens and small to medium-sized enterprises.
Section 43B(h) of the 2023 Finance Bill has caused confusion for companies collaborating with Micro and Small Enterprises, but this guide aims to clarify....
Discover how the Prayaas Scheme supports small businesses in India with financial aid, skill development, and market access to boost growth and sustainability.
Discover how the Prayaas Scheme supports small businesses in India with financial aid, skill development, and market access to boost growth and sustainability.