Understand the HSN/SAC code 9983 for GST compliance in India, covering various professional, technical, and business services with applicable GST rates.
Understand GST on education in India: exemptions, rates, and compliance essentials for institutions and students. Simplify your GST management with Swipe software.
Explore SAC code 9968 for courier services under GST. Learn about applicable GST rates, service categories, and compliance with Swipe for accurate billing.
To convert a Sale into a Sales return on the web. First, go to “Sales” on the left-hand side of the dashboard. After clicking on “Sales”, A drop-down..
Explore the key considerations of GST applicability on cold storage, including exemptions, tax rates, and compliance requirements for businesses in the sector.
Knowledge related to GST rates for recreational services under SAC Code 9996 includes legal provisions, compliance, as well as pricing and industry insights for businesses.
Learn more about the impact of delayed payment fees and penalties on GST. Explore Section 15 of the CGST Act, Circular 178, and the importance of avoiding late filing of GST-R.
Learn how to use the Bhoomi Online Portal to easily access land records like RTC, and Mutation Register, and ensure transparency and ease for property owners.
Discover the importance of a revaluation account in accounting, especially for Indian partnership firms, to ensure accurate financial statements and fair profit distribution.
Discover the top government schemes for business growth in India 2024, designed to support startups, and SMEswith financial aid and infrastructural support.